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Rasa Events

Run in Postman

Whenever your conversational AI logs an event send it to our end as followed.

Please refer to event objects in Rasa's documentation.

curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Authorization: Token BOTANALYTICS_CHANNEL_TOKEN" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--data "{
   'messages': [
         'message': {
}" \

Field Descriptions

  • messages (array): An array containing messages.
    • message (object): Represents the event object. Please paste the content of the event object inside.

Example of single message payload in JSON format

  "messages": [
      "message": {
          "event": "user",
          "text": "Hey",
          "parse_data": {
              "intent": {
                  "name": "greet",
                  "confidence": 0.9
              "entities": []
          "metadata": {},

Example of multiple messages payload in JSON format

  "messages": [
      "message": {
          "event": "user",
          "text": "Hey",
          "parse_data": {
              "intent": {
                  "name": "greet",
                  "confidence": 0.9
              "entities": []
          "metadata": {},
      "message": {
          "event": "bot",
          "text": "Hey there!",
          "data": {}