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What Are Channels?

Channels represent the different platforms or communication channels through which users can interact with virtual agents. They can include websites, messaging apps, voice-enabled devices, or any other platform where the conversational AI is deployed.

Project-Channel Relationship

A project can be connected to one or multiple channels, This relationship allows us to collect and analyze data specific to each channel, gaining insights into user behavior and engagement on different platforms.

Examples of Channels

Websites: Users can interact with conversational AIs through chat windows or virtual assistants integrated directly on websites.

Messaging Apps: Popular messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, or Slack can serve as channels for users to communicate with conversational AIs.

Voice-Enabled Devices: Voice assistants like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, or Apple Siri provide channels for users to engage in voice-based interactions with conversational AIs.

Mobile Apps: Dedicated mobile applications can host conversational AIs, allowing users to access and interact with them on their smartphones or tablets.

Social Media Platforms: Platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram can serve as channels for users to engage with conversational AIs through direct messages or chat features.

Email: Conversational AIs can also interact with users through email channels, providing automated responses or assistance. Call Centers: Conversational AIs can be integrated into call centers, allowing users to interact with them via phone calls and receive automated support.

Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality: In immersive environments, like virtual reality or augmented reality, conversational AIs can provide interactive experiences and assistance.

Internet of Things (IoT) Devices: Connected devices, such as smart home devices or wearable technology, can act as channels for users to interact with conversational AIs.

Importance of Channels

Channels play a crucial role because they represent the various touchpoints or platforms where users have conversations with a conversational AI. By understanding how users interact on different channels, we can tailor our conversational AIs responses and optimize its performance for each specific platform.

Currently Available Channels

Please feel free to submit a channel integration request at