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Signup with Email

Choose Email Sign-Up

  • On the sign-up page, select the "Sign Up with Email" option. Signup Options

Provide Your Details

  • After choosing the email sign-up option, a new window with a form will appear. Sign With Email Page

Enter Your Full Name

  • Enter your full name in the designated field. Enter Full Name

Enter Your Email Address

  • After providing your full name, enter your email address in the provided field. Double-check the email address to ensure it's accurate. Enter Email Address

Create a Password

  • Create a strong and secure password for your Botanalytics account. Make sure the password contains a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters for enhanced security. Enter Password

Complete the Sign-Up Process

  • Once you've entered your password, click on the "Sign Up" button. Click Signup Button

Verification Email

  • After clicking the sign-up button, a confirmation message will appear, stating that a verification email has been sent to your email address. Verification Email Send Page

Check Your Email

  • Open your email inbox (the email account you used during sign-up). Look for an email from Botanalytics with the subject similar to "Confirm your email address to get started." Verification Email
  • Open the verification email and locate the verification button within the email content. Click on the "Confirm Email Address" link/button. Verification Email Details

Account Verification

  • Once you click on the verification link, a new tab or window in your browser will open, you'll be automatically redirected to the Botanalytics website. You are now successfully signed up and logged into your Botanalytics account. You can now start creating your first project by following the instructions provided on the dashboard.

Welcome Email

  • You will also receive a welcome email confirming your signup and welcoming you to the world of Botanalytics. Signup Welcome Email