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Reset your Password

Choose Forgot Password

  • On the login page, click on the "Forgot Password" option. Choose Forgot Password

Enter your Email Address

  • Enter the email associated with your account in the provided space. Enter email address

Click on Send Reset Button

  • Click on the "Send Reset Link" button, and you will be sent a shown a confirmation message saying a reset link and Instructions has been sent to your email. Send Reset Link

Email Sent Message

  • You'll be redirected to a success message page stating an email is sent to your email address. Forgot Password Email Sent

Reset Password Email

  • Check your email inbox for a message from Botanalytics. Reset Password Email
  • Open the email and click on the password reset link provided. Reset Password Email

Reset Password Page

  • You will be redirected to a password reset page. Reset Password Page

Enter a new password

  • Set your new password in the designated field. Enter A New Password

Complete Reset Password Process

  • Click on the "Reset" button to save your changes. Complete Reset Password Process